Saturday, July 14, 2012

{Weekend Project | Bathroom/Hallway}

So do you know what happens when you don't have kids?
You change things in your house.
Home Depot becomes your home away from home and you wonder why you feel like you never left every time you have to go back there. (Which will pretty much be every day)

I got tired of looking at our guest bathroom and the hallway outside it, plain and simple.
We just never got around to decorating or putting a theme there.
Well my bff Karli's fiancee Nick redid her bathroom for her birthday and I fell in love!
She had this dusky grey/purple and black and whites on the wall.
She's an awesome friend, and pretty much gave me permission to also do that color.

Well, Josh and I got to talking and what started out as a simple coat of paint and some new decorations turned into completely redoing pretty much the entire bathroom (except for some serious hardware, like sink faucet, but that will happen in time. Right Father in Law? Ha ha ha..,) and moving into the hallway.

Here's our BEFORE:
As you can see, just BLAH. White and just not fun at all.

So for 2 whole days we worked...and it finally rocks!
Let's have a look see, shall we? :D

So color scheme? Teal, chocolate, and white.
And decoration theme? Dandelions! Stencils rock my socks off.
This is the door leading to our bathroom.
We got a nifty plate that says "Baths 25 cents, soap and towels extra",
and some new knobs. (Thank the LORD). The previous one was just gold and ugly.

Yay for more dandelions! BEWARE, stencils are addictive. You will want to take into every room and do it on every wall.
So this is the main wall next to the sink and the back of the door.
We got the "towel/bathrobe" hooks at Ikea, they are awesome! $9.99 for 3 of them.
Fold up when you don't need them and can hold a crazy amount of stuff.

This area is to the left (while looking at the door).
I was stoked to put some artwork on the wall, esp. since I was envious of Karli's b/w's.
To follow the color scheme I chose some photos not already up on my walls and added a sepia tone.
(Frame bought at bed, bath and beyond)
We also got some (soft, OMG) chocolate towels.
And could this light switch be any sexier?! If you noticed, no visible screws ;]

Shower area, ta dah!
Our curtain was named "Dandelion" (shocker) and also from BB&B.
We had the dandelion flowers get blown by the wind and meet each other in the corner.
And thank goodness for the bronze curved rod we found!
Our showers are pretty damn tiny and this will really help with space.
We also got new tub mat, it's grass!
Josh thinks that is pretty random, but I'm justifying it by saying that it's like the ground that the dandelions are in.

Ok I wouldn't normally show the toilet area, but do you like my zen garden?
I put a whole ton of trinkets in there!
Coins from various trips we've taken, shells from Josh's deceased grandma, shells we've found on various trips, one of Josh's old ear cuffs with runes, and a green lucky penny.

Just some other toilet area stuff, chocolate themed.
And new knobs!

Can I say that I am in love with the sink area? Because I am :D
Especially the mom bought it for me a long time ago,
and I'm so happy that it finally has a real home.

We had some leftover stuff from the pixie nest that Josh made a while ago, so I used the random supplies to make a "dead" sort of bouquet for our vase. It reminds me of the sea, not sure why.
Got the lanterns at Hobby Lobby and my AWESOME HUSBAND, (seriously though, he's a friggin rockstar), anchored them into our medicine cabinet. What's even cooler is that the one on our counter can have it's top taken off and will serve as our toothbrush holder when we have overnight visitors.

Now on to the hallway!
Want a quirky way to showcase your monthly calendar so that it 
doesn't look random and tacky up on the wall?
Frame it!

Father in Laws can be pretty damn awesome too. True story.
Jimbo heard my pleas...
and by heard, I mean that I casually mentioned something to Josh, who told my mother in law, who then probably strongly suggested to my FIL that he needed to make me a rack out of an old rake.
We use ours for keys!

The dandelions also helped punch up the random wall that had the clock!

And last but not least, one of my favorite hallway walls!
(okay okay, it's tied with the calendar/frame)
Starring another one of those sexy light plates with no screws!

Also starring a fancy new dry erase board that we got from Ikea.
(dangerous place number two, esp. since we live less than 2 miles from one)
The markers are held by a TOOTHBRUSH HOLDER. Yeah, we're funky like that.
The board came with some clips so we super glued the eraser to one.
Awwwww, Josh left me a message! I guess he's sweet, I'll keep him...

So phewwww...we're done! It all fits together and like it has always been like that...

cheers, Meg

ps. Josh would like for everyone to know that he painted everything.
Including the individual hand painting of 149 dandelion blooms.
Remember when I said he was a rockstar? I wasn't joking.