Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Ok, I just saw this on TheKnot.com.
(Great resource, if you're engaged. check it out! If you're married then check out its sister site TheNest.com)

I think this would be something unique and different for the guys....

Almost gives me chills just looking at it...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wedding Hair.

I need to blog to remember ideas and stuff I've found on the internet, or else I'll never be able to find it again!

(psssttt...I know it's completely random but I think my wedding mix may just be my IPOD set on my GLEE playlist. It rocks that much)

Sooooo I was thinking about my hair. I don't really want a veil, that's a little too churchy for me. Right now I'm currently growing my hair out, so I'd love to show off the length. At first I was thinking just a simple orchid or something off to the side, but since we are having a "celtic" themed wedding, what about a nifty headband?

Here's an example of what I'm maybe picturing for hairstyle. Like it?




Just some ideas to throw around....

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wedding Dress Day #1

Ok. Obviously I know that choosing your wedding dress 3 years out is not a good idea. Styles can change, and so can your body. But since my mom was visiting we decided that it wasn't a bad idea to get some idea about what KIND of dress I want. Especially since we have no idea when I will get to go home to Seattle to try on some more with her and whoever else gets to tag along ;)

I went into it very specific like. If at all possible Josh and I would like a beach wedding, or at least by the water. Water is a huge part of both of our lives, and we miss it so in Arizona. Rain is a blessing here :)

Soooooo that means I would like a flowy type dress, grecian maybe. Simple, not crazy! Definitely no princess dresses! I can't stand the frou frou ness of it all!

So here are my top 5 so far! (Featuring my photo and the link to the professional one from Davids' Bridal.com)

Dress # 5 - Not my top choice, because I'm not sure it's very flattering in the chest. But the floral pattern (that to the naked eye on the hanger but gawdawful!), is actually quite pretty on.

Click here for Dress # 5.

Dress # 4 - Definitely fits the "grecian" style. Not crazy about the shoulder straps, but this was the first one that I tried on that I actually liked!

Click here for Dress # 4.

Dress # 3 - This one didn't seem like much. I told our (completely kickarse!) dress consultant that I thought it was too plain, Genius that she is, went over and grabbed a mans cummerbund, wrapped it around my waist and BAM! Gorgeous! I love the idea of having a splash of color!

Plus the bonus is that looking at all the reviews online, a lot of curvy girls have worn this one and felt gorgeous in it too. I know I would.

Click here for Dress # 3.

Dress # 2 - GOR.OR.OR.GEOUS! Katelyn my consultant told me that I absolutely must try this one on, It's her favorite and since she can't go wrong, I decided to trust her. I'm glad that I did. The back is beautiful, the way the train comes down. And you will have to click on the photo so that you can accurately see the design on the front.

Click here for Dress # 2.


Dress # 1 - Trying to choose between Dress 2 and this one was hard, if I had to pick a favorite. But this one sticks out in my mind. I love the bodice. Definitely want a wedding dress that is styled close to this one!

Click here for the best one!

So yah, there ya go!

Loves, Meg.

Welcome to Us!

I, Meg, decided to do this since Josh and I are currently living in Arizona. We so want to be excited about planning a wedding and a life, but that's so HARD to do when almost everyone you want to share it with is 3 states away.

Why ChezLewoss you ask? Well chez literally means "At the home of..." (and Lewoss? Lewis + Ross, and I think you can get it!)
We want everyone to see our ideas and our goings on. I want you to feel like at least you got to share in some part of whatever we did.

So this is us!

The whole engagement started on April 11, 2010. Josh got down on one knee at Coronado Beach and asked for me to join him in life. Obviously, I said yes! I mean come on, he cooks (pretty darn well) AND can clean?! I'd be a silly fool not to :)

So now I have this gorgeous ring, and a kick-arse fiancee! We really are best friends, and it will be so much fun planning a day that will show you all just how we feel about each other.

Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
- Emily Bronte